
Monday 31 December 2007

Ancestry kills off Online Family Tree

Created in 1999, Ancestry's Online Family Tree has now been deemed obsolete, and as such will be discontinued after March 2008, in favour of their Ancestry Member Tree system, allowing users three months to migrate their existing trees from the old system to the new. For the full announcement, visit


1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    Does this mean that all those 'researchers' who have looked at my website, created links to their family even when there are none, mistranscribed data and then submitted to the ancestry family tree will have all this bad information purged from the website - unless they change to the new system? I'm sure you find it galling when people make massive leaps of faith, copy data and then publish it elsewhere without even contacting the originator! Fingers crossed all this nonsense will be taken out of the public domain...

    Keep up the good work,

