
Thursday 17 January 2008 to host Archive CD Books collection

Some excellent news just released by Ancestry: in the aftermath of the closure of Archive CD Books, following on from the retirement of the company's founder Rod Neeps a few months ago, Ancestry has just announced it will be hosting the entire digitised book collection on its site.

The following is the full press release from Ancestry:

Leading UK family history website has reached an agreement with Archive CD Books to host many of its records as it has now ceased to trade in the UK following the decision by its founder Rod Neep to retire from the business.

More than 1300 Archive CD Books collections will now be hosted on including one of the largest collections of county and city directories going back hundreds of years, a variety of 18th, 19th and 20th Century military records, parish registers from 1500s and Gazetteers and Pedigrees from across the UK. Managing Director Simon Harper comments: “Rod has built up an impressive and genuinely useful collection at Archive CD Books over the past seven years which Ancestry is delighted to host and make available to its members.

“As a great deal of work goes into digitising historical records, Ancestry is always keen to talk with those who have already taken the time to do so and who may wish to host theme on our website.”

Rod Neep started Archive CD Books in the UK in March 2000 with the aim of making reproductions of old books, maps and documents available on CD and working with libraries, museums and record offices to renovate old books in their collections.

Rod Neep comments: “I am extremely pleased that my work in Archive CD Books will continue to be made available to the widest possible audience through Following my retirement this is the ideal solution for everyone.”

Archive CD Books has expanded internationally over the years and will continue to operate in Ireland, The Netherlands, Canada, U.S.A. and Australia.



  1. Archive CD Books has not closed and Ancestry is not hosting the entire collection. As stated in the press release that you quoted, only the UK collection is being hosted by Ancestry and only the UK partner company has closed because its owner retired. Four other Archive CD Books partner companies and their collections continue to operate as usual.

  2. Thanks Bob, yes you are absolutely right. It is just the UK collection, I stand corrected. Still, an excellent way to preserve the UK collection, I am sure you will agree.
