
Tuesday 1 January 2008

The Ruhleben Story - update

In the last week I have added the names of approximately 250 British civilian prisoners of war, known to have been held in the First World War civilian POW camp at Ruhleben in Germany, to The Ruhleben Story website at This brings the total to well over 1700, out of approximately 5500 internees believed to have been held in the camp, almost a third.

Also, Matthew Stibbe's long awaited book "British Civilian Internees in Germany: The Ruhleben Camp, 1914-1918" is due to be published by Manchester University Press on May 1st 2008. The hardback edition of this book can be pre-ordered through at a price of £55, and the paperback edition for £14.24.



  1. What a great story and website Chris! It's the first time I've heard of this civilian POW camp but I look forward to reading more about it.

  2. Thanks Becky! My own great uncle was interned there in 1916, and hence the interest. I have literally about five hundred articles from the Scotsman and the Times alone from 1914-1918 concerning the camp, and yet very few people today have ever heard of it - hence the site!

    There are many additions to come in the next few months, so do keep popping back!

