
Saturday 2 February 2008

Scottish Women Chartists

Sue John, of the Women's Library in Glasgow, has made available online a list of women known to have been members of the Chartist movement in Scotland between 1838 and 1852.

Millions of people signed the three great Chartist petitions of 1839 to 1848, with thousands active in the campaign to win the vote, secret ballots, and other democratic rights that we now take for granted. A significant proportion were women, but they were seldom recorded in the media of the day. Sue has trawled many newspapers to find those that did make it into print, and her results can now be seen at the ChartistAncestors website, at



  1. Hi Chris
    I run the Chartist Ancestors website, so many thanks for the link. I just wanted to say that Sue has done a great job putting the list together. There is a real lack of up-to-date research into either Scottish Chartism or women's role in the Chartist movement, so her research fills a real gap. Plenty of room for further work here if anyone is looking for a research project...

  2. Hi Mark,

    The Chartist Ancestors site is an excellent website, so I am glad you were able to host her contribution on it!

