
Saturday 19 April 2008

Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE

It's coming up fast! The Who Do You Think You Are? Live weekend from 2- 4 May 2008 at the Grand Hall, Olympia, London, promises to be a spectacular event. As well as live talks and special guests Alistair McGowan, Natasha Kaplinsky, Nicky Campbell, Peter and Dan Snow, and Tony Robinson, this year there will be two other events running in parallel - Military History Live and Discover Archaeology Live. A feast of genealogical and historical activity for £20 a day (£18 if booked in advance). More information at

This will be my first time at the event, and I will be helping out on the Family History Quests stall at stand 326 for part of Friday and Saturday, so for all your archive book and genealogical data CDs, please do come along and have a look - and if you read this blog, do say hi! For the new and updated Family History Quests catalogue, please visit

See you there!


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