
Monday 28 April 2008

Your Family Tree issue 64

The next issue of YFT has just arrived on my desk and contains all sorts of goodies! On the free CD is a copy of Charles Fox-Davies' work The Complete Guide to Heraldry - if you are thinking of doing the Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogical Studies at the University of Strathclyde, it's well worth picking up, as it is on the reading list!

The magazine itself has a census guide, with contributions from John Grenham, Andrew Chapman and Scotland's Chris Duncan; fascinating articles on the tailoring industry, adoption records and the anniversary of the Penny Black stamp; and yours truly continues the series of getting started articles by an in depth look at statutory death certificates in the UK and Ireland.

In the magazine's news section, the debate on Irish records pricing which I explored in issue 62 heats up, this time with comments of regret from Ireland's Fine Gael spokeswoman for arts, sports and tourism on the new Irish Family History Federation pay per view system. A day after the IFHF website was launched, Olivia Mitchell is reported to have commented "It was regrettable that the new genealogy service was designed to be a commercial one... It was always envisaged that this kind of public information should be freely available to the public". Indeed.

YFT 64 is on sale at your nearest newsagent!


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