
Saturday 14 June 2008

Further delay in ScotlandsPeople Centre opening

I'm hearing from several sources that the new ScotlandsPeople Centre will not be open to the public now until at least September, with issues such as the new computer software to be used not yet fully resolved.

An official visit to celebrate the end of the construction phase of the project will be happening at the National Archives of Scotland of the morning of July 4th (with the Historic Search Room closed to the public until 1.00pm). Whilst the completion of the construction phase is half of the battle, and to be congratulated upon, the further delay in a centre which was due to open in the Spring will be of great disappointment to many. Personally, however, I think it is much better to get the thing up and running fully functional, and if a few more weeks is what that takes, then a few more weeks is what that takes!

There have already been several changes of benefit to users of the National Archives and the GROS, the main partner companies in this, with the recent reduction of access charges to a flat £10 rate for the day (previously £17 for a full day and £10 for a half day), and the revamp of the Dundas Room and others at GROS. So they are nearly there - but it looks like we'll have to wait just a while longer for the whole package!

For more on the ScotlandsPeople Centre, visit

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