
Wednesday 2 July 2008

British Library Digital Lives initiative

What will happen to your family history website twenty years from now? And is your online GEDCOM file immortal...?!

The British Library, in conjunction with University College London and Bristol University, has launched a new initiative entitled Digital Lives to try to understand how we use the internet in order to develop an archive policy regarding its content for the future.

From diaries, letters, jottings and photo albums to blogging, emailing, tweeting and flickr-ing, the digital revolution has affected enormously the ways in which we record our personal lives. These largely born-digital collections will become invaluable in years to come for researchers – from biographers and historians to literary critics and scientists. As nobody knows for sure what is happening to this material and whether it can be made available in the future, the project aims to try and find out.

As such, the team is now looking for help from anyone who uses computers in their daily lives by participating in either of the following ways: 1) by completing an online survey at; 2) by sending in details of technologies and online services relevant for capturing, retaining and sharing digital information to

For further information about 'Digital Lives' visit or contact Suvi Kankainen in the British Library's Press Office at , tel: 020 7412 7105; alternatively contact Lawrence Christensen at or tel: 020 7412 7114.

Scotland's Greatest Story
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