
Sunday 26 October 2008

Dublin's Glasnevin Cemetery museum and visitor centre project

The 175 year old Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin, which holds 1.5 million burials, is currently undergoing a massive multimillion Euro restoration project in time for the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising in 2016.

To tie in with the project, the Glasnevin Cemeteries Group, the owners of the cemetery, have under the watchful eye of Ireland' Office of Public Works started the construction of a new 12 million Euros visitor centre, which will include an underground museum called The Crypt.

The museum will include facilities to view and search manually or by touch screen all 176 years of archived records for the museum from 1832, including the burials of Daniel O’Connell, founder of the Cemetery, Charles Stewart Parnell, Michael Collins, and other giants from Irish history. It will also be possible to view the records of famine, cholera and small pox epidemic victims. Accompanying this will be an exhibition space with displays on Ireland’s past, including proposed exhibitions on Daniel O’Connell, the Easter Rising of 1916, the foundation of the Irish Free State and the republic, and more.

It is hoped that the visitor centre and museum will be open in 2010. For more on the cemetery, visit .

(With thanks to Eastman's Online Genealogy Blog)

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