
Monday 20 October 2008

Homecoming Scotland takes on new importance

In an interview yesterday with Sky News journalist Adam Bolton, the Scottish National Party's Nicola Sturgeon was asked about next year's Homecoming Scotland initiative. In her response from her party conference in Perth, the SNP deputy mentioned that with the credit crunch about to hit as hard as it will within Scotland, the Homecoming Scotland initiative will be taking on a new importance, providing a major tourist boost just when the country looks set to head into a recession.

So if you have Scottish roots, a visit to Scotland will not just help you trace your ancestors next year - it will help some of their descendants as well...!

For more on Homecoming Scotland, visit, and for news on the programme events, visit our blog entry at Homecoming Scotland 2009 programme unveiled . And of course, at Scotland's Greatest Story, we'll be only too happy to help you research your family history and to plan your trip in advance.

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

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