
Thursday 27 November 2008

BBC News items on Ruhleben POW camp

I was on BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme this morning with journalist David Miller discussing my project on the First World War prisoner of war camp at Ruhleben, on the outskirts of Berlin, within which some 5500 British civilians were interned for the duration of hostilities. The item was transmitted live in the last five minutes of the programme, and can be heard again for the next seven days on the BBC's online iPlayer at .

We also recorded a separate television piece on the story, which will include Scottish Screen footage of some of the prisoners returning to Leith, the 90th anniversary of their return being tomorrow. This is due to be shown on BBC1 Scotland's Reporting Scotland this evening between 6.30 and 7.00pm - do try to catch it if you can!

And if you had relatives at Ruhleben, I would love to hear from you in order to include their story on my commemorative website, The Ruhleben Story, at . So far the site contains free to access information and images concerning over 1800 of the POWs, so still a fair few to identify! Amongst the internees was my own great uncle John Brownlie Paton - his story at Ruhleben is explored in further detail at .

UPDATE: The Rep Scot story is now online at , and a written BBC news article can be found at .

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

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