
Wednesday 10 December 2008

1911 Irish Census update draws ever nearer...

We're slowly getting there folks...!

The 1911 census site from the National Archives of Ireland is now showing search fields for counties Antrim, Down, Kerry and Dublin.

Unfortunately, it is not returning any results from any of these counties yet apart from Dublin...! But it looks like the release is indeed on track for December.

UPDATE (Fri 12th): I have now been able to look up some Kerry and Antrim returns on the site. It's hard work just now, the page has to be refreshed a few times for a search to go through without defaulting to Dublin entries, but the site is cleary having entries added to it, so the full upload does indeed seem imminent.

UPDATE: My great great granny was born in Gibraltar???!!! (Fun and games ahead on the research front, methinks...!)

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving


  1. How did you get the county dropdown? All I get is "Dublin."

  2. It looks like the site has reverted back to Dublin only, but it can only be a matter of days before the thing is up and running properly (says he, fingers crossed!).

