
Tuesday 16 December 2008

Family history in the Western Isles

The Hebrides tend to be the part of Scotland that mainland Scots tend to overlook when dealing with Scottish genealogy - so thank God for the Gaels, and the work that they are doing to promote their family history!

A few sites I'd like to draw attention to that are well worth exploring. The first is which is a portal for those with ancestry in Bernera, Kinloch, Pairc and Uig, on the Isle of Lewis. The site contains over 70,000 records of people, places and stories from the island, compiled by several local comainn eachdraidh (local history societies). From the website, the following is the site's clear ambition:

"Data from the communities of Berneray in the Sound of Harris and Carloway on Lewis is currently being input. The project is gradually expanding to include North Tolsta, North Lochs, Ness, and Westside, and ultimately we hope the whole of the Outer Hebrides."

In other words, watch this space...! An excellent resource.

Also of interest is the Angus MacLeod Archive at, which hosts a great deal of material from the late Angus 'Ease' MacLeod MBE, who passed away in 2002. Although Angus was from the South Lochs area of Lewis, the archive goes much further afield in its scope, and is therefore another wonderful resource for those with Hebridean blood.

Finally, do pop along to the Island Books Trust at, which has a magnificent range of local history books and more from the Western Isles.

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

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