
Thursday 18 December 2008

Islands Books Trust 2009 events programme

News announcement from the Islands Books Trust:

The Islands Book Trust has announced its programme of 28 events in 2009, including 3 events in Skye, a week- long visit to the Faroes in July, as well as the usual full programme of talks, conferences, and visits to islands in Lewis and Harris, and Uist and Barra.

The main event will be a 3-day conference in South Harris from 10-12 September on Emigration from the Outer Hebrides to fit in with Scotland’s Year of Homecoming. The conference will be opened by Professor Tom Devine and closed by Linda Fabiani, and includes the possibility of a boat trip to St Kilda. Other boat trips are planned to Kinlochresort, Scarp, the Monachs, Pabbay, (South) Rona, and Valamus and Loch Claidh in South Pairc. A new ‘Walk the Talk’ series will feature guided walks to deserted settlements in Benbecula, Eriskay, Vatersay, Vallay, and North Skye.

Speakers at talks include Professor Donald Macleod, Peter Cunningham, Colin Scott Mackenzie, Alasdair MacEachen, Bill Lawson, Greta Mackenzie, Cailean Maclean, John Love, Flora MacDonald, and Dods Macfarlane.

Commenting on the programme, John Randall (chairman) said: ‘We have tried to offer something for everyone interested in the history and culture of the islands. It is once again a record number of events. We aim to bring together outside speakers and people from local communities to share experiences and learn from each other. I am particularly pleased that we have 3 events next year in Skye, including one in Gaelic.’

Details of the programme are on and will be sent to members with the Trust’s January newsletter. For further information, including membership of the Trust, contact Alayne Bartyon on 01851 820946 or email

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