
Monday 29 December 2008

University of Glasgow course - Researching and presenting local history

A course entitled "Researching and Presenting Local History" is being taught by Dr. Ronnie Scott at the University of Glasgow from January 14th. The following are the details:

Do you have a favourite building, place or organisation you'd like to
know more about? Interested in researching the history of your house?
Come and be guided through the process of researching local history, and
pick up some helpful hints on presenting your results. The course
introduces a wide variety of sources, including official records, maps,
photographs, censuses, directories and newspapers.
Presented by Ronnie Scott BA MPhil PhD, £56.00
19.00-21.00 Wednesdays from 14 January 2009
(8 meetings) St. Andrew's Building, Glasgow University

More details:

To book:

Information for students with disabilities:

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

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