
Friday 16 January 2009

PRONI's eCATNI catalogue now online

Well, it's my 500th post since starting this blog just over a year ago, and as an Ulsterman working as a Scottish based genealogist, it couldn't contain a more exciting announcement if it tried! (Other than I've won the lottery, which I will post when it happens!).

The Public Records Office for Northern Ireland catalogue, known as eCATNI (Electronic Catalogue for Northern Ireland) has today gone online at the PRONI website. With over a million catalogued items, and more still to be added, this should hopefully break down many of those brick walls that are so frustrating within Irish genealogy.

A full press release on the catalogue is available at, whilst the itself can be accessed at

All the very best with your research!

's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Chris

    On behalf of the staff of PRONI, we strongly appreciated your comments.

    Stephen Scarth
    eCATNI System Manager
