
Wednesday 25 March 2009

English and Welsh Probate records - urgent questionnaire

The following is an urgent message from the Federation of Family History Societies:

John Briden HMCS (Her Majesty's Courts Service) is hoping to get the Probate Calendar Indexes to Wills and Grants, issued since 1858 in England and Wales online.

The index includes the full name and address of the deceased and date of death. See

He has put together a short questionnaire and would like to receive as many responses as possible by Friday 27th March. I realise that this is very short notice but if you are able to help by responding to John it would be appreciated.

Copy and paste the questions below into an email, add your answers and send your responses to

Q1. If the probate calendar was available on the internet, would you use it?

Q2. If you would use it - how often would you use it?

Q3. What probate information would you be interested in seeing online, and why that particular information?

Q4. Would you like to order copies online, and be prepared to pay for them online?

Q5. Would you prefer to access the calendar online, but order and pay for copies by post, or by telephone?

Q6. Would you be prepared to pay a premium to the fee, in addition to the normal cost for a more immediate service?

If you have English or Welsh family history connections, please do contribute to the questionnaire - I'm sure we all appreciate how effective and useful the online wills are at ScotlandsPeople!

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving

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