
Tuesday 3 March 2009

Logge Register of PCC Wills

This is not a Scottish story, but I feel duty bound to carry it, as my cousin Carolyn is a member of the Richard III Society! Having caught up with the society at the Who Do You Think You Are? Live event in London, the organisation revealed that it has just published the Logge Register of Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills from 1479 to 1486 in a two volume set, priced £35. I had a look at each book and they are a wonderful publication - each will is written in Latin, transcribed and translated. The first will recorded is that of John Logge, a London woodmonger, and hence the name of the collection.

The volumes are useful for those wishing to practise their palaeography, as they can be compared to downloads from the National Archives' Documents Online site, and in the near future the rapidly growing collection on the Genealogist website from S&N. For the serious social historian, it is much cheaper to buy the volumes than the equivalent downloads online.

For more information visit

Scotland's Greatest Story
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