
Monday 16 March 2009

New archive conservation studio for University of Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen will become a centre of expertise and learning in conserving rare historic books and manuscripts, thanks to a multi-million pound gift from an American benefactor.US philanthropist Dr Loretta Brennan Glucksman is making the personal gift of three million dollars towards a purpose-designed specialist conservation studio adjacent to the new University library.

The University is the custodian of extensive collections of historic books, manuscripts, maps and other items. A major purpose of the new £57 million library is to provide ideal conditions to safeguard and showcase these priceless items, and make them more accessible to students, researchers, and to the wider public through exhibitions, readings and other public events.

The Glucksman Conservation Studio will build further on this ambition by providing a specialist facility to undertake, promote, and teach the latest techniques in conserving material originally created many hundreds of years ago. The studio will also promote interest and learning in the art of conservation for many groups in the community. The Studio will become a centre of expertise in book and paper conservation providing services to archive holders across the North East of Scotland and beyond. The University is in discussions with regional and other heritage agencies to establish partnerships.

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