
Tuesday 28 April 2009

Glasgow Women's Library seeks new recruits

The Glasgow Women's Library, which is planning to move to the Mitchell Library, is currently recruiting for three paid positions - a full time archivist, a full time lifelong learning development worker, and a part time admin worker. For more information, visit

In last Friday's Herald newspaper, Ann Wallace interviewed the library's strategic development manager Sue John, who is currently organising the Women on the Shelf campaign, which is raising money by inviting people to sponsor a shelf that they can dedicate to a woman of their choice. The money raised will go towards the library's move to the Mitchell.

In the article Sue outlined how the archivisit role is a new job created as part of a three year project funded to the tune of £410,000 by the Heritage Lottery Fund, of which half will be spent on building the library's new premises within the Mitchell. The archivisit will be required to train 60 volunteers over the next three years in archiving and conservation techniques. The role of development worker will be linked to the establishment and running of courses on a range of topics, including adult literacy.

(With thanks to Elma Lindsay)

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