
Tuesday 7 April 2009

National Library of Scotland news

The Scots Music Abroad exhibition continues to run at the NLS in Edinburgh until May 9th, revealing the impact of Scottish music within the countries of the Commonwealth, as well as how foreign countries are influencing Scotland again in return. The exhibition is running at the George IV Building, and for more information, visit

Meanwhile at the NLS Digital Library, a series of one inch Ordnance Survey maps from 1921-1930 are now online at In addition, the library has also uploaded a series of Satellite image overlays of 'Bathymetrical Survey Lochs, 1897-1909' at The surveys show the depths of several lochs around Scotland with useful information on the hinterlands, and can now be overlaid and compared with modern Google Earth and Virtual Earth applications.

In addition, the digital library has also uploaded a series of black and white photographs from the First World War depiciting the Western Front at, and 'Genealogical Collections Concerning Families in Scotland, made by Walter MacFarlane, 1750-1751' at

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