
Tuesday 14 April 2009

New BBC Gaelic website - Facal Oirbh

A new series is playing on BBC Radio nan Gaidheal entitled 'Facal Oirbh', and to tie in with it, BBC Alba has created a new website at

The following is the press release:

Larach-lin ur co-cheangailte ris an t-sreath reidio Facal Oirbh, le fiosrachadh mu bhriathrachas 's mu ghnathasan-cainnt na Gaidhlig, mu chleachdaidhean 's mu chreideasan na Gaidheal.

Air larach-lin Facal Oirbh, chithear agus cluinnear fiosrachadh bhon phrogram as uire. Gheibhear cuideachd fiosrachadh bho na programan a chaidh a-mach roimhe san tasglann.

Chithear an larach aig Tha an larach a'freagairt air fileantaich agus air luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gaidhlig.

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuiribh post-d gu

The website is linked to the new radio series 'Facal Oirbh', with information about words, speech, customs and beliefs of the Gaels.

On the website you'll see and hear information from the latest programme, and also information about past programmes in the archive. The site is available at, and is suitable for both fluent Gaelic speakers and learners.

(Moran taing Una!)

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