
Monday 22 June 2009

FamilySearch Alpha

There's a change coming to From the site's dedicated blog:

Many of you have probably noticed the FamilySearch Alpha project which we’ve quietly been working on here at FamilySearch Labs. Other than listing it as a project on FamilySearch Labs and a few mentions in the FamilySearch Group on Facebook, we haven’t really shared broadly what we’re up to – until now.

FamilySearch Alpha is the beginning of a great new world. The purpose of the project is to replace the current website with a new site at the same address that integrates all of the new technologies and record sets we’ve been working on (like Record Search, Family Tree, Research Wiki, etc.) into one easy to use experience. Instead of using these tools individually, you will simply go to to work on your family history.

The first release will introduce a fresh new look and feel and integrate the following features:

» Search for historical records (leveraging Record Search and Library Catalog technology)
» Learning and how-to (showcasing the Research Wiki and Library Research Series)
» Find a Family History Center (updated to leverage the cool new
» And much more

Check out the
FamilySearch Alpha project and let us know what you think. Just click the feedback link to share your thoughts or leave a comment on the blog.

I have tried this new site and share many of the frustrations that others on the blog have raised. However, it is very early days and the idea of integrating all the Family Search platforms into one user site is in principle a good idea. In time this will radically affect how we use the Family Search site (where the IGI is located, etc), so well worth keeping an eye on.

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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