
Monday 29 June 2009

Shetland's Hamefarin 2010

If you thought Homecoming Scotland was a big deal, you ain't seen nothing yet - the Shetlanders are planning a big hoolie up north next year!

To tie in with the Shetland Hamefarin 2010, the island's museum has put out the following appeal:

Shetland Museum and Archives seeks information on Emigrants for Hamefarin Exhibition

In 2010, Shetland will host a Hamefarin (homecoming), welcoming Shetlanders from all around the world back to their home islands. As part of the celebrations Shetland Museum and Archives is developing a special exhibition and are appealing for images and objects relating to Shetland emigrants.

The exhibition will tell the stories of islanders who emigrated from as far back as the 1500s right up to the present day, and include artefacts, documents, paintings and photographs. The Museum and Archives are especially interested in photographs or paintings of islanders in their new lives, for example at work, outside their home or sightseeing, as well as any artefacts and documents which can help to tell their story.

Due to the response the Museum and Archives expect, they have decided to restrict the items in the exhibition to first generation Shetlanders, i.e. those who were born in Shetland and later emigrated, even as a child. These can be from people who emigrated recently or items which have been handed down through a family, whose ancestor emigrated long ago. They would like to hear about people who settled in the Empire and foreign countries as well as mainland Britain.
If you are a Shetland emigrant, or a descendant of one, or if you have images, artefacts or documents related to Shetland emigrants that may be suitable for the exhibition please contact Helen Whitham at the Shetland Museum and Archives on:

Hamefarin Exhibition 2010
Shetland Museum and Archives
Hay’s Dock

Telephone: 01595 695057

Scotland's Greatest Story
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