
Sunday 19 July 2009

Ayrshire Smugglers talk at Troon

From Troon @ Ayrshire Family History Society, in conjunction with South Ayrshire Libraries, details of a talk by Tom Barclay, Local History Librarian:

(and their descendants)

FRIDAY 14th August 2009 Troon Library at 7.30pm
Followed on the Saturday by

Smuggler? Exciseman? Customer? Honest Man or Bonnie Lassie

Members of the Family History Society will guide you in your search.

SATURDAY 15th August 2009
Troon Library 10.00am-5.00pm Free Admission Friday & Saturday

Do you have Ayrshire Ancestors? Were they from Loans, Dundonald or Troon? Do any of the surnames Dunlop, Dickie, Ure, Allason, McAdam, Hay or Vallance appear among your forebears?
If you answered "yes" to any of these three questions it is possible that you are descended from the famous (infamous?) Smugglers of Ayrshire. Tom Barclay will recount their exploits in Troon Library on Friday, 14th August 2009 at 7.30pm. He will also explain how you can discover if you are related to them using original records.

Your ancestors may not have been smugglers but perhaps they were engaged in mining, farming, railways, domestic service, lace making or seafaring before they left these parts. On the following day, Saturday, 15th August, from 10.00am to 5.00pm, again in Troon Library, volunteers from the Troon @ Ayrshire Family History Society will be glad to meet you and help you research your ROOTS.

This is a "drop in day" and if you have an hour to spare that should be sufficient to begin the search for your own family history. A basic starter pack will be provided and you will be shown how to use ScotlandsPeople and other internet sources. Alternative non-internet/non-computer sources will also be on display. You could have many entries in your Pedigree Chart in a short space of time—and some surprises too! Less time available? You can still pick up a starter pack, and view the displays.

Even if you are a family historian already, the members of the Troon Society always welcome an exchange of ideas so do come along. A range of books and CDs covering this area that the Society has published is on sale and may be of interest.

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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