
Wednesday 15 July 2009

Caithness Broch Museum set to re-open

The Caithness Broch Centre (Ionad Bhroch Ghallaibh), based at Auckengill and previously known as the Northlands Viking centre, is to re-open on July 25th. The museum houses an innovative display that presents the prehistory of northern Caithness during the time of the brochs, a form of circular defensive fort built from stone. The displays will look at the nineteenth century community who first excavated the brochs, the original peoples who lived in the area two thousand years ago, and the community who now work and live with the brochs.

I've not yet been to the Caithness Broch Centre, but did have the pleasure of filming at Dun Carloway broch on the Isle of Lewis several years ago (pictured below), an amazing building! The one at Auckengill is in much better condition, well worth a visit!

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