
Monday 20 July 2009

Family History Monthly 173 now on sale

The September issue of Family History Monthly (issue 173) is now on sale, with a host of goodies inside.

If you have a Northern Isles connection, Keith Gregson has the ultimate guide to researching your Orcadian roots. Nicola Lisle looks at the history of journalists, Stephen Thomas looks at the Chartists, and Jeremy Palmer looks at parish registers. On the archives front, Keith Gregson visits the Merseyside Maritime Museum and Claire Gibson looks at the Army Children Archive. All the regular columns and treats are also presented, and yours truly gets in on the act with a detailed look at how the Gazette newspapers (Edinburgh, Londona and Belfast) can help with your tree in ways that no other newspaper can.

Good God, it's good! And all for the stonkingly insane price of £3.75 of her Majesty's finest - and the cover disc comes with a 30 day trial version of Family Historian 4, the best family tree software around in town just now.

Get 'em while they're hot...!

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