
Wednesday 8 July 2009

International Genealogy Festival

The University of Strathclyde is hosting an International Genealogy Festival on its campus from Tuesday 21st July to Friday 24th July, to tie in with the Homecoming celebrations.

There will be an exhibition area in the Royal College Assembly Hall each day, with many family history societies and vendors setting up shop, as well as advice areas and exhibitions, whilst a series of genealogical lectures will be given in the McCance Building in Richmond Street each day. In addition there will be various other activities including tours of the Mitchell Library and of areas of Glasgow of interest. For more information visit

Also, a quick plug for the second largest family history show in the UK (after Who Do You Think You Are Live), the National Family History Fair at Gateshead, to be held on Saturday September 12th 2009. Tickets are £4, and several Scottish vendors will also be in attendance - there's more information on who will be there at

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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