
Tuesday 21 July 2009

Northern Irish BMD certs to go online 2011?

I've known for some time that the Northern Irish GRO is planning a system along the lines of the ScotlandsPeople's website to make their BMD records available online, but a big thanks to genealogist Sheena Tait for signing up to my new Twitter page today, as a post on her own page has now given me some further information on this. Sheena posted a link to Dick Eastman's blog in March, which I missed at the time, and which has the following information:

On the 14th January Steven Smyrl, CIGO Executive Liaison Officer, gave oral evidence before the Northern Ireland Assembly's Finance & Personnel Scrunity Committee in relation to the Civil Registration Bill 2008. Steven was joined in giving evidence by Robert Davison, former Hon. Secretary of the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland (APGI). The Bill will amend the Births and Deaths Registration (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 and thereby allow the General Register Office of Northern Ireland (GRONI) to modernise the delivery of this vital service. Clauses 13 & 22 of the Bill will allow the creation of an Internet-based access service to scanned images of the original register entries, which date back to 1845. Scanned images will be available on-line of all birth records compiled over 100 years ago; marriages over 75 years ago and deaths over 50 years ago. It is hoped that this service will begin within the next two years.

So we're taking a prospective 2011 launch if all goes well. That leaves England and Wales, and a certain DOVE still to be tamed...!

A big thanks to Sheena!

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional genealogical problem solving and research


  1. It's not often that you miss out on news items!

  2. Ha! The irony is Sheena, I really did know about this being on the cards, as in 2007 a delegation visited Edinburgh to see how SP operates - I've even alluded to it in a couple of articles in YFT! So naturally sod's law kicked in for the one press release I have been waiting for - particularly as my mum's lot are all Norn Iron born and bred! Thanks again!


