
Thursday 23 July 2009

Two new issues of Discover my Past Scotland out now!

You know that feeling when you are waiting for a bus and then two come along? Well this month, Discover my Past Scotland magazine is releasing a tartan double whammy of Scottish content to get you in the Homecoming mood!

First is a very special edition of the magazine produced to exclusively tie in with the Gathering event this weekend. Unlike all previous online editions, this is an edition with a difference, as it has been printed, to be exclusively sold at the event in Edinburgh at a cover price of £3.00 during the two days of festivities. But if you aren't planning on going along, fear not, the magazine is also available to those who have taken, or who intend to take, a subscription out to the magazine - in which case, it is free!

In this special Gathering edition, Lord Jamie Sempill is interviewed about the inspiration behind the Gathering event, there's a look at the history of Highland Games, an interview with three competitors in the 2009 Deuchars World Highland Games Event, Anthony Adolph explains why it is worthwhile visiting the land of your ancestors, Kerry Muir looks at the history of Holyrood, location for the Gathering, Wendy Glass gets help from the Broons to explore our favourite national dishes, and yours truly gives you a beginner's guide to researching your Scottish roots at the ScotlandsPeople Centre. In addition, DMPS meets and greets three clan chiefs, John MacLeod of Raasay, Margaret Elliott of Raasay, and James McBain of McBain, whilst Rachel Bellarby goes in search of Clan Hannay.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, there is also the regular August edition of DMPS to get stuck into as well!

In this issue, John Hannavy explores the history of Scotland's railways, Michelle Higgs explores the Poor Law and poorhouses, Ruth Symes looks at the 1861 Scottish census, Katie Howard takes a trip to Oban to see what resources are available to help with your family history, and Sue Wilkes picks up the pieces after Culloden. Yours truly provides all the latest Scottish news and product reviews, as well as an in depth guide to Glasgow's Mitchell Library, and all the usual favourites are also there, including the regular Q&As, Bygone Days and more.

Both magazine are available for download as of today from the website at

It's enough to make you come over all Runrig and Scottish like!

"Alba nam beanntan ard..."!!!! (Heads for the CD player...!)

Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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