
Wednesday 26 August 2009

National Archives - new car parking charges

The following news comes from Roger Lewry, the archives liason officer for the Federation of Family History Societies (in England and Wales), concerning the controversial proposal to charge car parking fees at the National Archives at Kew:

The National Archives has announced its proposed car park charges to come into effect from next January. The daily rate is £5. Annual season tickets will range from £75 to £350 depending on vehicle emission levels. Full details can be found at

At the users forum meeting on 20 August there was considerable doubt cast on the validity of the thinking behind the determination of these charges. It would appear that motorists are being asked to contribute towards more than just the costs associated directly with the car park. For example, the upkeep of the surrounding grounds has been included. This seems unreasonable, especially as TNA states that it does not intend to view car parking as a revenue stream.

Comments on these charges or any of the other proposed changes can be sent by email to

(With thanks to Roger)

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