
Monday 31 August 2009

Petition to keep the National Archives open on Mondays

I've recently reported on the National Archives' plans to rationalise their costs following budget cuts from the Government with regard to the body's funding. One of the more controversial proposals has been to close TNA completely on Mondays. Needless to say, this has not gone down well in many quarters. The latest development is an online petition at the Number 10 Downing Street website, which reads as follows:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to ensure Monday opening of the National Archives at Kew.

Recently the National Archives released a range of efficiency proposals that will alter part of its operations. One of these is to close the reading rooms on Mondays. It is considered that this idea is a very poorly thought out as it will affect many users such as academics and part and full time students who have commitments on other days and require Monday opening for their research. (Other commitments include jobs that support part-time study, lectures and conferences) As such this change could imperil both the quality of academic research in this country and students' careers. It is requested that the government block this proposal.

To view the petition and to sign it, you have just over three weeks - the deadline is September 23rd 2009. It can be accessed at

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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