
Saturday 15 August 2009

ScotFamTree annual meeting 2009 - report

I'm just back from a thoroughly enjoyable day in the Ayrshire town of Stewarton, where the ScotFamTree forum was holding its annual meeting for 2009. It was fantastic to see so many folks there, with people from all over Inverness to Ayrshire, and also from further afield, with two people from Australia, one from Germany, and more.

Amongst the talks given was a fascinating insight into Scotland's Craftsmen, the Journey from Apprentice to Master and Beyond from Tireetam, the equally interesting The Wark' the Weavers: 19th Century Scottish Textile Workers from Janglaschu, and Herstory, from Evelyn, a brilliant look into the role of the women that you never see recorded amongst the histories of the great and the good, but who were the very backbone of Scotland.

TC1 also gave a very impromptu but fascinating slide presentation of a unique series of old postcards depicting Dumbarton, as well as a preview of the edited version of an interview recorded at the Glasgow Police Museum last Tuesday (see
New Glasgow Police Museum Open). Site moderator JockTamson, when introducing the video, informed everyone that the museum is looking to raise funds to pay its running costs for the next two years - if you wish to make a donation, details are available at

A last minute technical hitch meant that plans to stream the meeting live on the ScotFamTree Channel had to unfortunately be abandoned at the very last moment, but the lectures were recorded and will be making their way onto the channel in the very near future. Do drop by to have look - if only to see what Evelyn gets people to do when they see a banana onscreen...! (Don't worry, it's legal!)

A throroughly enjoyable day, and a big thanks to all behind the scenes.

UPDATE (17 AUG): The interview at the Glasgow Police Museum is now online at the ScotFamTree TV channel.

UPDATE (19 AUG): The AGM video is now online also.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research


  1. Hi Chris,Just to let you know.The AGM video is being edited as I type and will be on the TV Channel a.s.a.p.....including that ''banana'' I fear !

  2. Was really nice to meet you Chris! And a great day was had by all! Bananas and genealogy go hand in hand....don't they??? well they do in my world! LOL Looking forward to next years meet already! Thanks for your kind comments!

  3. Hi Evelyn,

    Yes, I think the links between family history and various forms of fruit and vegetable matter is often misunderstood. Great lecture, looking forward to the sequel next year!

