
Tuesday 18 August 2009

Voyage of the Vampire - the sister's story

In March I announced on this blog that the Hawick Heritage Hub was about to release online a 19th century diary of mariner George Henry Scott Douglas, of Kelso, in the form of a daily blog (see Hawick to Unleash the Voyage of the Vampire). Now there's to be a sequel (well, sort of!):


The private and personal diary of Hannah Charlotte Scott Douglas.

April 1st this year saw the launch of the Voyage of the Vampire by the Heritage Hub in Hawick. The online blog featuring the diary of George Henry Scott Douglas of Springwood Park Estate by Kelso continues to unfold in real time with his daily adventures around the Greek Islands and Turkey in 1846 with his ship The Vampire. The Scott Douglas collection, which was given to the Heritage Hub by Ian Abernethy, also includes another delightful diary which was written eleven years later by George’s sister, Hannah Charlotte Scott Douglas. In complete contrast to her brother George’s stories of shooting, fishing and exploring foreign lands, Charlotte ’s is an eventful, emotional journey from a young lady’s heart.

Her diary begins with accounts of her daily life in Edinburgh where she lives at 38 Melville Street with her stepfather Mr William Scott Kerr and his family. As a young lady of the aristocracy, her life consists of attending lectures and concerts, going to parties, visiting friends and taking singing lessons. Throughout her daily scribblings, however, there is often reference to her dreadful secret which eventually reveals itself and is the driving force behind many of her life choices.

The diary will be launched online on Monday 17th August along with her brother’s on the Voyage of the Vampire website and will be revealed weekly in narrative threads every Monday until December. Charlotte ’s Jane Austen-like language and thoughts are funny, sad, poetic and at times surreal. There are marriage proposals causing family rifts and contracts to be drawn up to protect Charlotte and her fortune as well as gripping tales of blackmail, destruction, disapproval and deceit.

Should be fun!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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