
Sunday 30 August 2009

Your Family Tree 81 on sale

The September issue of Your Family Tree magazine is on sale with many fascinating features to keep you entertained whilst the weans are at school...!

Paul Reed kicks off the magazine with a new series on how to trace your war heroes, Stephen Thomas looks at school records, there's advice on courses to help you with your research, articles on computing accessories for your research, how to make a time capsule and a family history website, a region guide for Hull, book reviews, case studies and more.

Yours truly also gets well and truly stuck in this month, with articles on how to trace Welsh records and an in depth look at the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19, which started in Britain in Glasgow. Of particular interest to those with Scottish ancestors, I've also written an in depth guide to Scottish land records, helping you to work out the advantages of and differences between charters and sasines, and all sorts of other feudal records!

All for £4.99 at a newsagent near you!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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