
Wednesday 23 September 2009

FIBIS adds records for Bombay Army 1793-1860

The Families in British India Society (FIBIS) has added service records of soldiers who served in the Bombay Army from 1793 to 1860 on its website, with the original records having been sourced from India Office Records L/MIL/12/109. the site has a note stating that there are no microfilm copies of these records available in the cabinets in the Asia & African Studies Reading Room at the British Library.

A typical example is as follows:

Entered the Service 1820
Surname Atkiss
Forename(s) James
Rank or Situation Gunner 2nd Company 1st Battalion Artillery
Town and County Middlesex
Date of Attestation 3 August 1819
Term of enlisted service Unlimited
In what ship arrived from Europe, or Service Entertained Thomas Coutts
Year of Arrival or When that service entertained 13 May 1820
Date & nature of Casualty Died 17 January 1832
Amount of estate in money and effects 7r 0a 69p
How disposed of Intestate
IOR Reference L/MIL/12/109

To consult the full database, visit

A fantastic effort, congratulations to all involved!

UPDATE: Further detail from FIBIS

The records have been transcribed from registers of enlisted men, including casualties, who served between 1795 and 1862 in the Bombay Army of the Honourable East India Company. The records were established in 1831 and include those soldiers still serving in that year with subsequent additions constantly made until the demise of the army in 1862. These books are held by the British Library in the India Office Records as part of its Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections but are not available on micro-film there. The registers, pieces 109-116 in the L/MIL/12 series, were compiled by clerks in the East India House in London, largely from regimental Muster Rolls sent back from India and comprised personal details aggregated during an individual’s career. The registers have never been indexed before.

In addition to a name, initial rank and unit, the records of service can include (where known) place of origin, date of entry to service, date of Attestation, term of enlisted service, date of arrival (in India) and ship arrived on, date of death (if in service), when and where re-enlisted, promotions, transfers and when pensioned.

The successful uploading of data into FIBIS Search last Friday (18 September 2009) was the culmination of two years of transcription and checking by a team of hard working FIBIS volunteers, led by Robert Charnock and co-ordinated by Penny Tipper (both FIBIS Trustees). The project would not have been possible without the encouragement and support of the British Library

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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