
Friday 4 September 2009

Survey of UK religious archives

From Kew's National Archives' Archives Sector Update newsletter:

The National Archives will be working in partnership with the Religious Archives Group (RAG) and the Society of Archivists to undertake a survey of religious archives from all faith traditions. The project is the result of an initiative by RAG and is part of a series of actions stemming from its seminal conference in 2007 on ‘the state of religious archives in the UK today’.

The survey will be undertaken through a questionnaire to bodies holding archives and personal papers relating to religious history. We intend to approach up to 2,500 institutions and will aim to fill gaps in the coverage of the National Register of Archives by gathering information at collection level.

The research is being made possible by a generous grant from the Pilgrim Trust. It will also hopefully provide important strategic information about the disposition and collecting of such material in order to underpin support for its future preservation and, where possible, accessibility. A Resource Discovery Officer, who will undertake the survey, will be appointed shortly. The postholder will be based in Archive Sector Development and will work under the direction of Norman James.

Could be interesting! The Society of Archivists' Digital Preservation Roadshow will also be in Edinburgh on October 28th - for more information visit

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