
Wednesday 3 February 2010

St Kilda Centre Development Group launches in Uig

A press release by Buidheann Leasachaidh Ionad Hiort (The St Kilda Centre Development Group), issued following the group's first meeting today in Uig, Isle of Lewis, is now available on the Comann Eachdraidh Uig blog at the following link: St Kilda Centre group launched in Uig.

The new St. Kilda Centre/Ionad Hiort, when up and running, will be located at a cliff-top site at Mangurstadh, Uig. At the meeting, Iain Buchanan was appointed chairman of the group, and a twelve-strong committee established with Sarah Egan as secretary and Catriona MacLean as treasurer.

(With thanks to Comann Eachdraidh Uig)

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