
Thursday 25 March 2010

The Golfers painting to be recreated in Fife

A research project carried out by students from the University of Strathclyde's Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogical Studies a couple of years ago is bearing fruit this year, with a plan this summer to reconstruct a modern day equivalent of the famous 1847 painting The Golfers by Charles Lees with modern day descendants of those featured. The story is covered in today's Herald at Descendants tee up to recreate golf’s most celebrated painting.

Yours truly was one of the students involved. My particular task was to track the modern direct 'heirs' of Hamilton Anstruther, John Grant of Kilgraston, John Whyte Melville, Neil Ferguson Blair, William Davidson Playfair, and William Henry Drummond (the Master of Strathallan), by looking for the senior surviving representative of the first born line in each generation, a task which I was able to successfully resolve for five of the six candidates. I was but one of the students, though, and work was also carried out into the other players by Alasdair MacDonald, Audrey Wyper, Elma Lindsay, Margaret Cunningham, Maureen MacIntyre, Pauline Foster and Steven Johnstone, as well as course tutor Bruce Durie. (It may well be that additional work was carried out by the successive course intake in 2009 - if so apologies to the students not named!)

Keep an eye out towards July for more coverage in the media on the project.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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