
Sunday 25 April 2010

IGI news from Pharos Tutors

The International Genealogical Index is to be revamped later this year or in early 2011. From the Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd newsletter:

"We have it on very good authority (Sharon Hintze, of the LDS church speaking at the Guild of One Name Studies Conference this April) that the IGI is going to be totally re-launched in a new format either later in 2010 or in 2011, with the extracted entries separated from the member submitted entries. This is going to be a major genealogy news event, so watch out for that. Meanwhile their Record Search pilot is adding new records almost every week. You can now search a prototype from What’s New section on the Family Search home page."

It is possible that this somehow ties in with the New FamilySearch website set up that I announced on this blog last November. For more on that, see

Just to add to the Record Search comment - at Who Do You Think You Are? Live event earlier this year, I asked FamilySearch why there were no Scottish records going onto that site, when the free digitised English records going online through the site seem to have stepped up a gear. The answer was a simple case of not having permission to do so. So, very sadly, don't expect anything there in the near future from a Scottish perspective.

In the meantime, don't forget that Pharos offers a range of affordable family history courses. I have just started teaching the next Scottish Research Online class - this session has become so popular that I am now running the chats on this twice a week, with double the number of students than the last time the course was run at the end of 2009! If you have not been able to join up this time, never fear, there will be another course hopefully from October.

Some other forthcoming courses for May include:

Caribbean Family History 5wks £43.99 (Guy Crannum)
20th century Surveys for Family and Local History 4 wks £37.99 (Liz Carter)
Organising Your Genealogy 3 wks £32.99 (Barbara Baker)
Tying the Knot: Marriage and its Records 3 wks £32.99 (Gill Blanchard)
Old Handwriting for Family Historians 3 wks £32.99 (Ruth Davies)

More information on each can be found at

(Thanks to Helen Osborn)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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