
Wednesday 21 April 2010

Meeting MyHeritage at WDYTYA Live

Those lovable loves from MyHeritage have posted a short post on our recent meeting at Who Do You Think You Are? Live. Three things to note from the post -

1) My receding hairline. Clearly a trick of the light.
2) An apparent expansive midriff. They really should get those bulbs sorted. I did not eat all the pies. (The ice cream, now that's a different matter..!)
3) My new Scottish research book.

My Heritage is based in Israel, and is slowly making waves across Europe as a genealogical social networking site - this was the team's first visit to WDYTYA? Live. From a Scottish point of view, indeed a British point of view, it provides a very, very useful download on its site - its family tree software, Family Tree Builder 4.0, can be downloaded from the site absolutely free, and to be blunt, makes Family Search's PAF obsolete. In my opinion, it is by far the best freebie tree programme online, hence why I gave it a plug in my book - and hence why the team photographed that page! :)

Now I'm off to find a dietician who can change a light bulb...

The MyHeritage team at WDYTYA? Live

(Thanks to MyHeritage)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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