
Friday 9 April 2010

Perthshire school registers 1869-1902 go online

In the beginning there was the Word.

Then Ancestry learned how to digitise it and made everybody very happy...!

Yes folks, Ancestry has once again turned its attention to Scotland, with the release at last of the Perthshire, Scotland, School Registers of Admission and Withdrawals, 1869-1902.

From the site, the collection is described as follows:

This collection of records consists of the registers of admission, progress, and withdrawal of students that were admitted and then withdrawn from school covering the years 1869-1901. The records include the date of admission to the school, the name, date of birth of the child, name and address of parent or guardian, last school attended, date and reason for leaving. It was the responsibility of the Head Teacher to keep these records and update them on a weekly basis. However, not all records are complete and they sometimes omitted to fill in all the columns, especially the reason for leaving. Most of these registers cover schools that have since closed.

The records were scanned some three years ago, have been indexed through Ancestry's World Archives Project, and come hot on the heels of the 1802 Militia Act Survey for Perth released last month.

A formal launch for the Perth records will happen later this year. In the meantime they are now online - go get 'em! :)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Sigh, that'll be my weekend gone then ;-). Can see a few of my ancestors indexed, looks like it's time to revive my subscription.

  2. Yup, found a few myself already. Happy days!
