
Thursday 15 April 2010

Thanks to Central Scotland FHS

A big thank you to Central Scotland Family History Society for their extremely warm hospitality last night - I think that my talk on Irish resources went down well, so hope it helps!

There is a big myth out there in the big genealogical ether that Irish research is virtually impossible, as many records have been destroyed. My take on that when people raise it has always been simple - get over it!!! Many records have been destroyed, not least of which some of the censuses, which were not all destroyed in the Irish Civil War, but in an act of genealogical vandalism many years earlier by the British Government when they were deliberately pulped. But keep the glass half full, not empty, because many records do exist, and the game is certainly not up if you find an Irish ancestor in your tree!

Central Scotland's website is at, and their next talk is on the Scottish Screen Archive on Wednesday May 5th 2010. Well worth attending, the archive is incredible!

Once again, a huge thanks to the society, and for everyone else, don't forget the SAFHS conference in West Lothian on Saturday (!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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