
Sunday 18 April 2010

Who Do You Think You Are USA BBC transmission

The American version of Who Do You Think You Are is due to start transmission on BBC1 on Sunday 25th April 2010 at 9.00pm, according to Who Do You Think You Are magazine, confirming what Wall to Wall told me last month (that it would be shown shortly after the US tx had finished). However, the BBC Press Office website has not confirmed this yet, and normally does so two weeks prior to any new series being transmitted, so don't hold that as carved in stone just yet!

According to the magazine, it will apparently only be the four editions featuring the women of the US series to start with, followed by Matthew Broderick and Spike Lee later in the year. Emmitt Smith, the American sportsman who most people over here have never heard of, will most likely be having his episode premiered on UKTV later in the year. Each episode will also be 45 mins long.

Having already seen the Lisa Kudrow and Sarah Jessica Parker editions, I think most people might be disappointed at how fast they hurtle along compared to their British equivalents. The programmes are being reversioned, however, which hopefully means they will lose the Lion King theme tune at the top and the over the top incidental music!

I'll bring more news once the scheduling is officially confirmed.

(With thanks to Lesley Powell at the Your Family Tree magazine forum).

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Chris, according to my TV on-screen guide, something called "Five Daughters" (a drama) is scheduled for next Sunday night at 9pm on BBC1. Of course that may change! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hi Alison,

    TV schedulers are a pain, I know from experience, as transmission times would always change on the lead up to a broadcast for any programme I had worked on when at the Beeb.

    The poor magazine editors are the last to know, even WDYTYA mag I suspect would only be told along with everyone else the actual tx time and date two weeks in advance. The BBC are terrible for that! When I reported on it for he next Practical Family History and Discover my Past Scotland issues, I just went straight to Wall to Wall for the heads up, but even they don't know when their own programme is being scheduled until the very last minute. Scheduling at the BBC is a very dark art!

    I suspect WDYTYA mag was given a provisional transmission slot, and published it hoping for the best that it wouldn't change (they would have to publish long before the schedulers confirmed it). It may also be that election coverage has got in the way somehow?

    Either way, it is on its way, but in classic BBC tradition - God only knows when!


  3. Disappointed if they're leaving out Emmitt Smith from the initial broadcasts - I know I'm in a minority knowing who he is, but personally I'm more interested in him than, say, Sarah Jessica Parker, having never watched Sex in the City.

    Also seems a bit odd that they're planning on ONLY showing the women initially - Matthew Broderick is far from unknown over here. Neither is Spike Lee, for that matter.
