
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Cameras at the ready...

Some exciting news - the National Archives of Scotland will be operating a trial soon to allow patrons to bring cameras to West Register House in Edinburgh in order to take pictures of documents at the facility, as is the case at the National Archives in Kew. No details as yet on how this will work, and what will be allowed and what not, but I'll provide more information when I get it.

In the meantime - watch this space!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Chris,
    That's exciting news !
    I've often wondered whether to get a copy of a document or not, and sometimes kicked myself for not doing so; so this would be really useful facility.

    Have you any guidance about what settings work well, please ?

    Peter Munro
    Borders Family History Society

  2. Peter, I can't really suggest anything as I don't yet know what will be allowed. Flash will almost certainly be out of the question, which means usually you would need to stabilise the camera with a mini-tripod or soemthing like that, except I know many archives in England don't allow that! They may or may not offer a lit rostrum stand, which would make the difference - I think it is really a case of wait and see what they formally announce!

    Quite exited at this end about it - national BBC news carried a story last week which featured the murder of my 3 x great granny and actually filmed a member of staff at WRH pouring over some of the documents from the scene of the crime - I have copies of most of the trial papers, but still some witness statements to go, so it will be nice if I can get to copy the rest!

