
Thursday 27 May 2010

Deceased Online launches Aberdeen City burial records

And for all you Aberdonians, another major announcement today is the announcement of burial records for the city on Deceased Online (

From Aberdeen City Council's press release

In partnership with Deceased Online, Aberdeen City Council’s archive burial registers will go online from Thursday [27 May]. Aberdeen is the first city and only the second local authority in Scotland, after Angus Council, to place its burial records on the national database website

From tomorrow the records of Grove Cemetery, Nellfield Cemetery, Old Machar Cemetery and St Clements Churchyard will be available; providing details of almost 24,000 burials. A further five cemeteries including the largest St Peter’s will be uploaded over the next two months [June and July] to provide a database of an estimated 192,000 burials.

And more specifically from Deceased Online:

Aberdeen City Archives will be making available approximately 190,000 burial records across 10 complete cemeteries: Allenvale Cemetery (1875-1966); John Knox Churchyard (1837-1894); Nellfield Cemetery (1834-1941); Nigg Cemetery (1878-1923); Old Machar Churchyard (1863-1950); St Clement’s Kirkyard (1855-1927); St Nicholas Kirkyard (1824-1965); Spital Churchyard and St Peter’s Cemetery (1769-1972); and Trinity Cemetery (1882-1940). Three of these (Nellfield, Old Machar and St Clement’s) are already online with the remainder due to be uploaded over the next 6-8 weeks. Deceased Online hopes to add more records for the area shortly and we will make announcements as soon as possible.

• The data available online from Thursday 27 May is:

Nellfield Cemetery, Aberdeen
7,813 burials, dated 22 December 1856 to 18 August 1892 are available as burial register scans in various formats with up to 23 entries per scanned page;

Old Machar Churchyard, Aberdeen
181 burials, dated 5 October 1863 to 30 March 1907, are available as burial register scans up to 38 entries per scanned page;

St Clement’s Churchyard
6,731 burials, dated 1 January 1855 to 1 February 1928, are available as burial register scans with up to 34 entries per scanned page.

Grove Cemetery
149 burials, dated 9 March 1905 to 21 November 1983, are available as lair register scans.

• For the purposes of the UK Data Protection Act, the names and addresses of funeral applicants, and grave (lair) owners for burials during the last 75 years have been withheld from publication.

That should keep you all busy for a bit...! :)

(Thanks again to Richard Gray)

UPDATE May 28th: The first batch of records are being rolled out over a couple of days. At time of writing some 8000 were already online, most will hopefully be online by end of play Friday or at latest Monday am.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Thanks for this - I'll see if I can find some Duncan ancestors there.

  2. It is now the 30th. I have searched for 20 deceased's records, who I have already got the information for, just to see how accurate this web site really is. I found nothing about any of them. Something wrong somewhere.

  3. I contacted Deceased Online on Friday and was told it may take a couple of days for the complete upload of the original batch from this release. When I first tried on Thursday I found no entries, but on Friday many were beginning to come through.

    Bear in mind also that the whole upload for all ten cemeteries in the city will take 6-8 weeks. There are also further records coming soon from other authorities, including some in Scotland, so stay tuned!


  4. I found a few in Montrose. Now, every time I try to access it, I can't get through. Something about an Apache error. I am afraid I've made some mistake - and am also afraid to download another program before knowing for certain that this is legit - or if I should cancel my credit card. Help, please.

  5. It's not just you Roslyn - I'm getting the same thing. I know there is a whole stack of English material about to go online, so I suspect that has something to do with it. Maybe try again in a few hours...!

