
Tuesday 18 May 2010

FamilySearch - online film ordering service

FamilySearch (the Genealogical Society of Utah) has launched an online microfilm ordering service, to save you having to visit your local family history centre to make such an order. The service is online at, but the society advises checking first that your local branch does not already hold what you are looking for - e.g. Paisley's centre has a good deal of Irish material in stock.

To see what can be ordered up, use the society's online Library Catalogue at For details of your local Scottish (and other) family history centres, see

(With thanks to the SAFHS news pages)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. THANK YOU for posting this. I was dreading this weekend's 50-mile round trip drive to order just one roll of film. For years I have longed to be able to order film online. Hooray!

  2. Well, I spoke too soon. Apparently the service is not available in the United States. I should have known it was too good to be true.

  3. Nooo...!!! Sorry, I posted last comment after your first message. I'ma mazed if we get the service first - it's a longstanding British tradition that we wait five years for everything after America has done it! lol Hopefully you'll get an equivalent soon...


  4. Take Heart! It will come to the US. This system started in New Zealand, then Australia and UK. After Canada, the US is next is what we were told at the Director's meeting.

    Today, it started in Canada. The system is very user friendly and I like it. Patrons can track their order, and orders can be cancelled within 24 hours. When the film arrives at the FHC, a staff member uses the admin site and the system sends an email letting patrons know film is in the FHC.

    You need an email account and credit card to use the system.

    It was the end of an era at our FHC yesterday as we sent the last order, received the last bunch of films on Inventory.

    Some patrons are excited and others are upset. We have many patrons that do not want to use their Credit Card online and some do not have computers.
