
Saturday 29 May 2010

Records added to Fife FHS site

A huge thanks to reader Tunji Lees for alerting me to two new additions to the records section of the excellent Fife Family History Society website at

The first addition, Published Family Histories (, is a summary of various published family histories that the society has come across over the years.

The second is the Pathhead Feuars (Dysart) Lair Registers ( - you may have come across name variants in the form of 'tee names' in the north east, or nicknames and aliases in the Gaelic speaking communities, but have you ever come across the use of 'vulgo' names?! Check the database to find out more!

Two more excellent databases on a site that is already stuffed with them!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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