
Monday 24 May 2010

Tay Valley FHS to offer free genealogy help at Glamis Castle

From Tayroots:

As part of a programme of family history taster sessions at must-visit venues across Angus and Dundee, Tayroots will be providing free assistance with ancestral research at Glamis Castle on Thursday, June 3, 2010.

During the one-day event, the Tayroots team will be helping visitors to Glamis Castle find out more about previous generations of their family and the lives they led.

As well as providing information about how to access the wealth of ancestral history resources in the local area, the Tayroots team will also be handing out the newly-launched Tayroots Pass, which provides special offers and discounted admission prices to historical attractions in the Angus and Dundee area. The Tayroots team will be joined at Glamis Castle by members of Tay Valley Family History Society, which focuses on families with ancestral links to Angus, Fife, Kinross and Perthshire.

The June 3 Tayroots Family History Taster Session will be held in the Exhibition Room at Glamis Castle.

For more information about Tayroots, visit

(With thanks to Wendy Glass)

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