
Wednesday 19 May 2010

TreeView 2 from The Genealogist

Long term readers of this blog know that I really rate both Family Historian 4 and My Heritage's Family Tree Builder. There's a new one on my list now - TreeView 2.

TreeView 2 is found on the The Genealogist website at You may not be too familiar here in Scotland with The Genealogist, because most of its records are predominantly English and Welsh based, though there are some Scottish items, such as a Landowners list from the 1870s etc. However, if you've not visited before, it is worth it alone to see the new programme. At the moment, both the old version of TreeView is on the site, and the new version 2, which is in beta mode, but they are very different in look and feel - once version 2 comes out of beta, the original will be phased out.

I could go into a lot of detail about what the site has to offer, but you'll find it all in the programme's Help section, very helpfully detailed, which is all you can ask for from a help section really! I'll leave you with this thought though - remember Family Tree Maker (version 2006), before it turned to the Dark Side for a couple of years...?! TreeView is similar in some ways to that in friendliness, but with many modern social networking bells and whistles, though minus features such as family history reports. But it is completely free - and for a freebie, it's actually rather superb...

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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